Monday 19 September 2016

The Key conventions of a Horror film

  • Horror films are usually set in scary, dark and haunted places. These places could range from haunted houses, to streets, to gardens and dark and damp alleyways.
  • Key themes of horror films are the good versus the evil, nightmares, beyond death, suicide, murder, ghosts and mainly the supernatural.
  • In every horror film special effects are used to make the film more terrifying and to induce jump scares to frighten the audience and to keep their attention and interest throughout the film.
  • Horror films are designed to scare and unsettle the audience.
  • Other settings are usually in isolated places to make the character feel cut off from civilisation. This makes the character feel trapped and isolated in a haunted and ghostly place. This creates more tension for both the character sand the audience.
  • They can be sometimes set in a place that has a dark past. For example an abandoned house or mental asylum.
  • Sometimes in horror films children will play the more sinister role.
  • Props like knives and chainsaws can be used to create more fear.
  • Costumes are used to create more fear in the antagonists. 
  • In my own film opening I will use some of these key conventions to create more fear and tension and to make my film opening more scary. Also, using the key conventions will make my Film Opening more interesting and I could use the key conventions to make the audience more unsettle and frightened. 
Image result for Isolated places horrorImage result for horror props

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