Sunday, 13 November 2016

Iconic Sounds in a Horror film opening

  1.  Squeaking door: This may happen in the background of a scene in a horror movie. This is usually portrayed as a ghost opening a door. This will make the characters and the Audience more tense and apprehensive. 

2. Demonic Laugh: This will usually come from the villain or the ghost in a Horror Film. A Demonic Laugh will intensify the scariness of the Film.

3. Children Giggling: In horror films a dead child's laugh is seen as scary. Especially is it has an echo effect. Most people may find small, ghostly children in Horror films frightening.

4. Footsteps: Directors in Horror films usually use Footsteps to create a scary atmosphere and to increase the tension for the Audience and the fear and sense of threat for the characters as well.

5. Children Singing: As well as a child's laughter, they often use singing in a horror film. This increases the creepy atmosphere and the tension in the scene that it is being used in.

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