Tuesday 28 February 2017

The Editing Process

I am coming to the end of the editing process and want to reflect back on what I have done to so far. When I started editing my film opening, I did not know where to start and stuck to my storyboard like glue. As I eventually got started I found that It became easier and easier to edit certain things and explored different sound effects and visual effects I can do, which I have found extremely useful to add to the eeriness of my film opening.
As I go further and further into the editing I started to not stick to my storyboard as much as I did at first and started to have more and more ideas of what I could add to my film opening to make it even better. As soon as I added sound visual effects, sound effects, my logo, age rating and title screen I was ready to upload my first rough-cut. I got many positive reviews for my first rough-cut which pleased me and also I received some more ideas from my peers which would make my film opening better.
Once I had edited each scene to what I wanted it to look like, I found that some shots did not flow, so I spoke to Mrs Williams and we decided that we could add another scene in between. These scenes consisted of flashes between the past and the present and close ups on the ghosts face to make it more creepier. I then added subtitles such as the directors names and productions, and then added another rough-cut.
By the time it came to my third and final rough-cut before my final product. I added some creepy music to increase the tension and added more close ups. I have still got more sound editing and colour-grading to add before I upload my final product by the 15th of March 2017.
I have really enjoyed editing my film opening to make it as creepy and scary as possible. I have also learned lots about how to edit and what software I could use to edit my final product.

Monday 27 February 2017

Nemesis Final Rough-cut

After some advice from a focal group I decided to film some more scenes in order to make the audience feel sorry for the mother after her sons murder.

Here is my final rough-cut:

Sunday 26 February 2017

New Ident!

After some feedback, I decided to change my logo to something more simplistic, as the focus group I showed it to, said it looked too much and not very professional.

Here is my new logo:

Friday 24 February 2017

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Audience Feedback

I showed a rough-cut of my Film Opening to another focus group, to find out their feedback. The feedback was very positive which I am really pleased about especially because some of them were not that into horror films.
On the whole, they thought that the quick cross-cutting between the ghost and the little boy was very effective and scary. They also felt sorry for the main character, the mother, they said one of the contributing factors to this was the good acting. Furthermore, they thought that the make-up was very realistic and contributed to the scariness of the film opening.
The only negative comment was that they credits were too quick to come up, so they could not actually read the names. Due to this feedback I have now gone back to my editing to make each credit a longer duration.

Friday 10 February 2017

Thursday 2 February 2017

Rough Cut

On Sunday the 8th of January 2017, I filmed my Horror Film Opening. I felt it went really well and chose great actors who suited their roles perfectly and were co-operative. My Filming took roughly 5 hours to complete and I am now about half way through the editing stage of my Film Opening. I also feel like the rooms I used and the layout they were in were perfect as it looked realistic like a normal house would do. 

Here is a rough outline of what my Film Opening is going to look like, I picked up a few suggestions from a focus group along the way. These suggestions will help my Film Opening to work more and fit together. I intend to now cut some of the clips shorter, change some clips speed, add voice overs, add sound effects and possibly add some music.

Here is my rough cut: