For our Preliminary Task, we had to film two people in conversation with each other, one walking through the door in the first few shots. Firstly, I filmed Alainah walking through a door, then I cut the shot. Then I filmed her walking through the door again, this time I was on the other side of the door filming her coming in to the room. In the next shot, I filmed her walking over and sitting opposite Lauren before cutting the shot again. I then filmed Alainah in conversation with Lauren from behind Lauren. Then I did the same thing but this time filmed from behind Alainah, therefore I could edit this into a shot - reverse - shot conversation. Overall, I found the task relatively easy to film, but slightly more complicated at the editing stage. I found editing the conversation to make it a shot-reverse-shot , as it was difficult to section each line in the correct places.
In order to film my Preliminary Task, I used two actresses, Alainah and Lauren, I used a school video camera and a Tripod, a door and a Desk and two chairs. In order to use the Camera and Tripod correctly, we were taught to attach and detach the camera from the Tripod and also how to adjust the tripod in order to gain the correct height for filming with. We used Movie Maker to edit our film. As I was new to Movie Maker, I was taught how to use it, after that I learnt howto edit each shot to gain the shot I wanted and the order I wanted it to be in. I also learnt how to cut out or silence sounds that I did not want in my film, and replace them with new sounds over the top.
I planned the task by using a storyboard to carefully plan each shot of my film. I drew each shot out and wrote down what the actresses were going to do, where they were going to stand and what they were going to say in each shot. I used the storyboard to get my actresses to do exactly what I wanted them to do. Having a storyboard helped when filming as I could get the filming process done quickly and how I wanted it to be acted, with little mistakes. However, I did revert slightly from my storyboard to include the 180 degree rule. In my storyboard, I had Person 1 (Alainah) walking in the door in front of Person 2 (Lauren), In my actual film I decided to have Alainah coming in from the door at the side, so I could incorporate the 180 degree rule. Overall, I stuck very strictly to my storyboard during filming.
I faced little challenges throughout the planning and construction of my Preliminary Task. However, I did face some challenges whilst editing it. After re-watching some of my shots I realised that Alainah and Lauren had started talking once Alainah had sat down, when I just wanted Alainah to sit down before I cut the shot. I overcame this during the editing. During editing I completely cut the sound out of that shot to silence the talking. However, when I watched the film I noticed that it was too silent after the previous shot, as the previous shot had background noises. To overcome this, I cut and pasted the sounds from the first shot into this shot to make it sound more realistic and it fitted together with the rest of the film.
Mrs Williams' friend Axel, came in to watch our Preliminary Tasks and to give us feedback on them. He said that one of the main issues with mine was the headroom with the first shot. He said that the top of Alainah's head was too low down from the top of the door. To overcome this problem in the future I will make sure I film from lower down to reduce the headroom. He also said that there was too much space on the right side of Lauren and Alainah, in future if I am filming two people talking, I will film them sitting at a diagonal to each other. The last thing he said about my Preliminary Task was that the camera was too high. In my actual film opening I will make sure that I film at the same level as each persons eye-line. I found his advice very useful and I will make sure that I include all of his advice in my actual Film Opening.
Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of my Preliminary Task as I learnt new camera techniques and how to use the tripod and video camera correctly. I have also learnt that you need to draw out each shot on the storyboard in great detail as it will help your filming easier on the day. I can apply all the camera techniques that I have learnt in order to film to best possible film opening.
Here is a picture on shot-reverse-shot:

In order to film my Preliminary Task, I used two actresses, Alainah and Lauren, I used a school video camera and a Tripod, a door and a Desk and two chairs. In order to use the Camera and Tripod correctly, we were taught to attach and detach the camera from the Tripod and also how to adjust the tripod in order to gain the correct height for filming with. We used Movie Maker to edit our film. As I was new to Movie Maker, I was taught how to use it, after that I learnt howto edit each shot to gain the shot I wanted and the order I wanted it to be in. I also learnt how to cut out or silence sounds that I did not want in my film, and replace them with new sounds over the top.
I planned the task by using a storyboard to carefully plan each shot of my film. I drew each shot out and wrote down what the actresses were going to do, where they were going to stand and what they were going to say in each shot. I used the storyboard to get my actresses to do exactly what I wanted them to do. Having a storyboard helped when filming as I could get the filming process done quickly and how I wanted it to be acted, with little mistakes. However, I did revert slightly from my storyboard to include the 180 degree rule. In my storyboard, I had Person 1 (Alainah) walking in the door in front of Person 2 (Lauren), In my actual film I decided to have Alainah coming in from the door at the side, so I could incorporate the 180 degree rule. Overall, I stuck very strictly to my storyboard during filming.
I faced little challenges throughout the planning and construction of my Preliminary Task. However, I did face some challenges whilst editing it. After re-watching some of my shots I realised that Alainah and Lauren had started talking once Alainah had sat down, when I just wanted Alainah to sit down before I cut the shot. I overcame this during the editing. During editing I completely cut the sound out of that shot to silence the talking. However, when I watched the film I noticed that it was too silent after the previous shot, as the previous shot had background noises. To overcome this, I cut and pasted the sounds from the first shot into this shot to make it sound more realistic and it fitted together with the rest of the film.
Mrs Williams' friend Axel, came in to watch our Preliminary Tasks and to give us feedback on them. He said that one of the main issues with mine was the headroom with the first shot. He said that the top of Alainah's head was too low down from the top of the door. To overcome this problem in the future I will make sure I film from lower down to reduce the headroom. He also said that there was too much space on the right side of Lauren and Alainah, in future if I am filming two people talking, I will film them sitting at a diagonal to each other. The last thing he said about my Preliminary Task was that the camera was too high. In my actual film opening I will make sure that I film at the same level as each persons eye-line. I found his advice very useful and I will make sure that I include all of his advice in my actual Film Opening.
Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of my Preliminary Task as I learnt new camera techniques and how to use the tripod and video camera correctly. I have also learnt that you need to draw out each shot on the storyboard in great detail as it will help your filming easier on the day. I can apply all the camera techniques that I have learnt in order to film to best possible film opening.
Here is a picture on shot-reverse-shot:

This is a very effective evaluation. You have really thought about what was successful about this task and what you could do to improve next time. Well done!